The Investment Opportunity of a Lifetime

Charles Mizrahi

Posted April 25, 2017

What I’m about to tell you is a cautionary tale.

You see, even though the man I’m about to introduce you to had a long, distinguished career…

Until the day he died, he lived with regret over a decision he made nearly 60 years ago.

Meet Donald Keough.

Don Keough should have a prominent place in the CEO Hall of Fame.

Keough had an illustrious career as an executive that included a stint as the CEO of Coca-Cola and time serving on the boards of McDonald’s, Home Depot, and Heinz, among other great companies.

In 2013, Keough and his wife were lauded for making a generous, multimillion-dollar donation to Notre Dame.

Yet, even though Don Keough was the president of Coca-Cola back in 1985 — when the company committed one of the biggest “blunders” in marketing history by introducing “New Coke” — there was another decision that Keough lived to regret that was even BIGGER than the New Coke blunder.

Back in the late 1950s, Keough was a young, 30-something executive at the Butter-Nut Coffee Company. He and his family lived on Farnam Street in Omaha, Nebraska.

Keough’s five children loved to visit the model train collection of the quirky neighbor from across the street. And they often spent time hanging around with their neighbor’s three children.

But when that same neighbor, a young man by the name of Warren Buffett, offered to manage a modest $5,000 investment for the children’s college fund… the young executive declined.

And in spite of his long, successful career, his decision NOT to invest with a young Warren Buffett haunted him until his death in 2015.

Keough has been quoted saying:

My wife and I talked it over, but we didn’t know what this guy even did for a living — how could we give him $5,000? We’ve been kicking ourselves ever since. I mean, if we had given him the dough, we could have owned a college by now.

The last time an investment like this one presented itself was nearly six decades ago — back in 1957.

Some investors jumped on their chance and collected life-altering profits. One family turned a $30,000 investment into more than $300 million.

Donald Keough and his wife, however, let the opportunity pass by, and they lived with their regret for six decades.

There’s no reason for you to repeat Don Keough’s mistake.

Jumping off the Pages

I spend most of my day researching companies, and I love it.

I get to learn about new companies, read about business challenges, and come across companies that operate in the shadows.

These companies knock out profits year after year, and you would never know about them.

They aren’t household names and prefer to stay that way.

This gives them the opportunity to do what they do best and avoid the media’s spotlight and Wall Street analysts.

In the course of one week, I read between 20 to 25 annual reports. I pay particular attention to the individual CEO’s letter to shareholders.

The letters are where the CEO has the opportunity to tell shareholders about what the company’s done in the past year and what it plans to do in the future.

Every now and then, I come across a company that jumps off the pages… everything lines up for a potentially big payoff.

One of these notable companies was Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII), the largest military shipbuilder in the U.S.

HII is the sole builder of U.S. Navy aircraft carriers and only one of two companies in the U.S. capable of designing and building nuclear submarines. It’s vital to national security.

We recommended the stock at $38 per share. It’s currently trading for more than $200 per share… a gain of over 420%! 

I recently came across another company that jumped off the pages.

The details of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity are remarkably similar to the investment many families took advantage of more than a half-century ago with Berkshire… and that many of my readers took advantage of with Huntington Ingalls.

Don’t end up like Don Keough and regret a decision that could’ve changed your net worth and provided for your family.

Invest with the Warren Buffett of 2017, and prepare for a comfortable retirement.

All my best,

Charles Mizrahi signature

Charles Mizrahi

Twitter: @IWPeditor

Charles cut his chops on the trading floor of the New York Futures Exchange before moving on to become a wildly successful money manager on Wall Street.

And with more than 35 years of recommending stocks under his belt, Charles has knocked the cover off the ball, compiling an amazing record of success and posting gain after gain for his loyal readers. He is the editor of Park Avenue Investment Club and the Insider Alert newsletters.

Charles is also the author of the highly acclaimed book, Getting Started in Value Investing.

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